Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Holidays From The Nielsons

  Yes, we know this will offend some people.

To you?  We're sorry. 

This thing called cancer comes with it's fair
share of heartache and joy and as Josh put it,
"This has been a year of the highest highs
for our family and the lowest of lows."

We've said it before, you have to laugh and find
humor in ALL of this...or quite simply you will
shrivel up and die from the inside out.

We want to thank so many people who have made
our holiday season, and not working season,
and cancer season just a little bit brighter
for us with love.

We're telling ALL boils down to LOVE.

That's our message to you this Christmas season.

Love, it's what its ALL about.

Thank you for loving us.

Thank you "frying pan" friends and family.
Thank you for being willing to get your feet
singed just a little here in our hot spot.

You have blessed our lives more than you will
EVER KNOW by stepping into the frying pan with us
and loving us and supporting us and laughing with
us at chemo and texting and calling and loving
and caring and simply being there when we needed
someone to be there.

Thank you!

We love you!

Merry Christmas from The Nielsons.

We're giving cancer The Finger (and joyfully
giving it the finger) this year for our Holiday Photo.

And even though the photo is a repeat, well,
some things are simply worth repeating! ;)

That's what we've got for you all...

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