Tuesday, September 9, 2014

All You Need Is Love

Salsa Sunday?

It was a smashing success.

I set up oodles of Superman shirts
on a clothes line and had salsa and
chips and candy and treats.

Lawns were mowed and chairs were 

cleaned and then we waited.

And people came.

And came.

And came.

A friend sent a photographer who donates
her time to (terminal) cancer patients and she took a bazillion pictures of the event 
which we can't wait to see.

Our backyard overflowed with people
and love and it was a magical night
celebrating Kyle's milestone.

(Does that mean we're living on 
borrowed time right now?)

I don't know the answer to that.

I don't know how long we get, but I
do know that the love we felt and the
people we hugged filled our souls
so very much.

Thank you for coming.
Thank you for loving Kyle.
Thank you for showing him that he
matters in the grand scheme of this
thing called life.

I've said it over and over and
over again...it's all about love.

It boils down, oh so simply, to 
that one thing.


Love the people that are in your life.
And let them know.  We don't all have
terminal cancer but you never know
how much time you have and when things
can change.  We spend too much time
worrying about things that don't matter
and we spend too much time being distracted.

Live now, for now.
Love now, for now.

Thank you all (so much) again and again
for making Salsa Sunday a smashing

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

That's what I've got for today.

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