Thursday, April 3, 2014

Biopsy Day

Today was biopsy day for Kyle.

Since (like usual) I had to work he told me he
was having him mom drop him off and leave him
for the day at the Huntsman.

That did not go over very well with me.

Alone, and biopsy, and hospital stuff = no bueno
for the wifey.

So somehow our friend,  comrade and cohort in cancer
treatment and chemo days, Mark Damron, got stuck
with the job.

He picked Kyle up and took him to the Huntsman
and in usual "Mark style" (joking and funny guy)
he introduced Kyle as "his partner" to everyone
at the Huntsman from the check in desk
to the doctors and nurses doing the procedure.

Kyle kept saying "He's my BABYSITTER!"
(Since his wife INSIST he be "babysat")

There was a hiccup or two in being able to locate
a tumor to biopsy (oh yes, they are there but
apparently they "glow" better on a PET scan
and are much harder to see and locate via CT
or XRay or Ultrasound.

Thus the conundrum.

So after calling in all the big guns and
resources that they could, they finally had Kyle
roll on his side so they could draw out about
4 samples through his back.

(They went in via his back to his liver)

They even brought the pathologist into the room
so he could quickly verify whether they had
"cancer cells" or "regular old liver cells".

Since the aim was to find cells of the cancer

After a big thumbs up from the Pathologist 
on a score of some "cancer cells"
they decided to quit poking Kyle and let him rest.

Mark texted the blow by blow to me at work 
and kept asking if I wanted the video version.

I wonder how he used his charm and good looks
to work his way INTO the biopsy and sit in with
Kyle for the whole event when I was banned
from going anywhere near him for his last
biopsy and was banned to waiting for Kyle in 
the recovery room.

Some people have ALL the charm.

Apparently I am NOT one of them.

I am FOREVER grateful for Marks willingness
to take Kyle, text throughout the entire process,
be a 'cool head' when things were touch and go
on whether there would even BE a procedure
for a minute AND make everyone laugh in the process.

There is no way to repay that kindness in my book.

BIG Kudos to Mark!

Kyle and Mark then got left by the wayside when 
someone in Interventional Radiology "Coded" (Code Red)
on the table and about 25 doctors, nurses and people
flew in and out and left them alone.

Kyle is now home resting.  In a little pain
and a little dizzy.  I have commanded him to
bed in my "best mothers voice."

Per usual, he is hesitant to obey.

I just finished my 2nd to last math class
and all is right in the world for a minute.

And that's what I've got for today.

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