Wednesday, March 27, 2013

small things

Either cancer helps you appreciate the small things in life.

OR, you're an idiot.

It's not like me to mince words.

What can I say?

Monday night Kyle, Grace, Olivia, Ruby (the golden doodle)
and I went up the road to watch the sunset together.

It promised to be a good one.

Utah can usually put on a pretty great show.

The light was right.

There were a few clouds and we wanted a few quiet moments

We got out of the car and went on a short walk.

The late March air was chilly on our faces.

Kyle held the girls hands and Ruby ran ahead of everyone.

Sniffing.  Everything.

Nobody said very much, we just enjoyed being together.

The thing with cancer is, that it's ALWAYS there.

You wish you could somehow swat it away... an annoying fly

or mosquito.

And then it would be gone.


Snuffed out.

But it's not like that with cancer.

It remains buzzing around,


just out of reach of the fly swatter.

Even if you don't talk about it.

It's in the back round,


waiting for you



always present.

Sometimes for a moment or two

you forget

it's there

but then it always comes back

sharply into focus


But Monday night we brushed it aside for a moment.


Karate chopped.

And threw in a few swear words for good measure.

And went for a walk.

And enjoyed the moment.

The sky cooperated and put on a beautiful show for us.

Not many words were said.

It was not necessary.

The dog entertained.

Grace sang loudly.

Country music! 

Country music?


Who's child is she anyway?

(all Kyle that girl, all her daddy)

Puddy (Olivia) skipped and thought it was a grand adventure.

It was nice to just BE for a moment.

To breath in and breath out.

To watch to majesty of nature playing out at her finest.

And we enjoyed a few of the small things in life.

And it was glorious.

Take time out, always, to enjoy the small things.

Please don't forget.



Learn from us if you must.

This is what I've got for today.

Small things.


  1. Loved this. You certainly have a way with words. The big "C" certainly can change priorities. It is a good lesson for everyone to learn. Enjoy the small ordinary things. Thanks for reminding me. Hugs and loves to your family. V. Jackman

  2. thank you for your words - magical and real words and feelings and emotions and moments...and pictures.

  3. thanks for the update, beautifully written. hard to believe this is your story, this is your life. hang in there.
