Thursday, March 21, 2013

walking into the dark

"To go into the dark with a to know the light.

To KNOW the dark, go dark.

Go without sight, and find that the dark too, 

blooms and sings,  and is traveled by

dark feet and dark wings."

~Wendell Berry

I read that quote yesterday and loved it.  It FEELS like what we
are doing.  Walking into "the dark" eyes closed, head on.  Turning off our proverbial light and giving our power over to the unknown.

The "dark."

The incredible thing, the wondrous thing, with this experience called cancer is the unexpected beauty in this dark place.

Rich, deep, real beauty.

We are finding that this "dark place" does indeed "bloom and sing" and is traveled by many good people willing to walk here with us.

A friend last night said to us, "Some people will be willing to walk into the dark with you and embrace it.  Lean on them.  Other people will not be able to "go dark" with is because, Kyle, you face the one thing everyone fears...your mortality."

To those who are holding our hands in the "dark place" as we travel....Thank you.  You help make this experience bearable,
and even beautiful.  In some strange and wonderful way.

This is what I've got for today.

Onward to battle.


  1. The message of this is really profound and beautiful.

  2. Following this blog is helping me feel like somehow I am helping you guys by keeping you in my thoughts and hoping you gain some strength from that. Dorien, I've never met you, but I am so thankful Kyle has you to take this journey with him. Thank you so much for sharing.
