Monday, June 3, 2013

It would seem I have fallen...

...Off the face of the earth other than obnoxious Voice Quilt 

Which are not obnoxious enough to keep getting callers.

(hint hint if you haven't called).

Ending time Weds. June 5, 1:05 PM.

Come on ...I double dog dare you to do it!

Kyle and I have been busy organizing and trying to get a 
seemingly endless list of things in order that shouldn't
have had to be organized or put in order for many years to come.

But alas, ordering and organizing are in high demand right now.

I will post tomorrow about some highlights of our 

Remember chemo moves to Fridays this week!!!

I will keep updates on chemo days on Instagram.

Someday I will make all those pictures into a photo book.

School ends this week and end of year insanity has
also taken over the Nielson home.

I'm waiting to exhale on Friday, when school is done...

Just another short update, that's what I've got for today~

1 comment:

  1. It will feel peaceful to get a lot of it in order though, even if you didn't need it for years to come.
