Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Seeing RED, Part Two

I will just preface this by saying perhaps Kyle has spared
you from picture overload.

Had it been ME at the concert, there would have been thousands
hundreds of pictures to choose from.  

(You think I jest about the "thousands" part....)

Instead you got Kyle's version of "PLEASE take lots of pictures
for me!  Oh pretty please!"

His version of this consists of 10.

Yup, count 'em.

Ten.  (And quite possibly a few are off of Grace's phone too) 
He reminds me that 10 is better than none.

I remind him that MORE is BETTER, in this case.

(In the case of teenage girl make up, LESS is always most
often BETTER....but I digress.)

They ate at Hires.  (You can't go wrong!)

They were in the Zions "box" and had front row seats in 
the box (by the sheer dumb luck they got there first and
grabbed those seats.  We are always early, like always always, this time it paid off!)

They screamed, they cried, they clapped, they sang along.
They had a marvelous time.

Thank you again neighbors and friends for making this 
night possible.

It's definitely one for the record books.

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