Sunday, April 7, 2013

This is Kyle...he's a little insane (in a good way).


This is Kyle.

He LOVES to have his picture taken.  NOT.

This is Kyle.

He has chemo on Thursdays.

He LOVES himself a good round of chemo.

This is Kyle.

Chemo makes it so he can't sleep very well.
So he wakes up at 5:00 a.m.  

Only crazy people,
and his father, wake up at 5:00 a.m.

(sorry if I insult any other crazy people 
reading this that CHOOSE to wake up at 5:00 a.m.)

This is Kyle.

He is still working an (almost) full work week.

Some weeks, other than chemo weeks, a FULL week.

He says he would rather be at work NOT feeling 
sorry for himself, and doing something good, than
sitting around feeling sorry for himself.

This is Kyle.

Yesterday between (lots) of napping and taking it
easy, he ALSO ripped out the carpet in our hallway.

He's trying to finish up some house projects.

He would rather rip up carpet than sit around and 
feel sorry for himself.

This is Kyle.

He LOVES a good house project.

This is Kyle.

He also cleaned bathrooms yesterday, while the kids
and I did the rest of the house.

He likes cleaning bathrooms.  

This is Kyle.

He ALSO cleaned up some vomit yesterday too.

(Seriously? Of all the things right?)

I won't go into detail, but one time was the 
dog, and one time was (hanging my head in shame) ME.
(I've been sick--bronchitis-and I promise you don't 
want the details of why he did/had to clean mine up.
And for the record, this is the FIRST time he's EVER
"had to" clean up mine. 22 years of marriage.

First time. Seriously you don't want 
to know.)

This is Kyle.

STILL taking care of everyone else first.
Without question, complaint or worry.

This is Kyle.

You may THINK he's a regular guy, but he's not.

In some ways he's a hero.

He does NOT quit.

He does NOT give up.

He does NOT (mostly) feel sorry for himself.

He does NOT stop working (for now.)

He does NOT quit doing chores and helping around the house.

He does NOT stop living, and loving, and being.

This man is incredible, really.

This is Kyle.

Just a guy, like lots of other "regular"
people out there, battling cancer.

(NONE of whom are in any way "regular!")

Fighting the good fight.

In his own way, quietly.

Surrounded by people that love him.

This is Kyle.

He feel sound asleep at 9:30 p.m. last night.
Like snoring, and everything, asleep.

He says that's when "old guys" go to bed.

Old guys, or cancer fighting guys.

But that's okay when your body is fighting like
his body is fighting.

This is Kyle, a human being, a man, a husband, a father,
a brother, an uncle, a boss, a friend, a son and a hero.


MORE than just a person with cancer.

He's a person that does, and loves, and lives, and breaths,
and creates, and solves problems, and gives and IS.

This is Kyle, one incredible, slightly insane 
(in a good way), hard working, and wonderful person!

And this is what I've for today...a tiny peek into 
the man he his and what makes him tick.

And keep ticking!

This is Kyle.


  1. I love you Kyle!!! Thank you for this beautiful insight Dorien!

  2. Such a great post, Dorien. You both continue to amaze!

  3. I love this post. And love the way you's beautiful. :)

  4. Thank you for this blog. Kyle you inspire me and motivate me to be a better Husband and father. This is Kyle.... Inspiring people that he doesn't know and helping others to put the things that don't matter aside for the things that really do!

    Thank you Kyle!
