Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter & What Kyle says is the WORST part about having cancer...

Today was Easter.

The "terminal" guy made us crepes for breakfast and I cut up and made all the trimmings (like homemade caramel sauce and homemade whipped cream.) Yum. Yum.

Sunday Morning Breakfasts have always been a "Kyle tradition".
He makes a mean crepe and looks good (in my apron) while doing it.  He also does toilets and folds laundry...and cleans up vomit.  I have some dark days ahead of me thinking about vomit cleaning.  Hopefully ALL of my children are old enough now to make it to the toilet.  Although there was that one incident last winter....

I shudder at the thought of cleaning up vomit.

But I digress.

Today we had everyone bring out all their "yellow" things and tried to look Easter-y.

I think it worked.  We looked like a bunch of walking Easter Eggs.  And we were trying to blend in with Kyle's slightly jaundice skin.  Again, I think it worked.  We wore colors MORE yellow than him.  You hardly noticed his slightly yellow hue.

I was also trying to hide the fact that I've aged 20 years in one month.  I don't think THAT worked.  But we will take what we can get here folks.

The weather was gorgeous.  We spent hours and hours outside.

We did a super duper cala fraga listic expe alidocious (spelled completely wrong) Easter Egg Hunt for Puddy (AKA Olivia) who has been ignored for a month.

We're sorry Olivia.  We promise to try and remember your birthday at the end of April.

And I took a zillion pictures.

It was a zillion too many according to Kyle.

HE SAYS this picture taking is **THE VERY WORST PART** about having cancer.



Worse than having poison dripped into your body for 6 hours each week chemo?

Yes, he says worse than chemo. (aka Poison).

Worse than labs and blood work and Doctor visits and needle pricks and hours at the Huntsman Center?

Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.

Worse than feeling bad?

He says YES.

I told him he's just going to have to live with it, and I kept snapping pictures.

We're not movie stars, or even the best looking family on the block.  What can I say?

But we ARE a family and we have created years and years of good times and memories together.

The picture I can't  I won't show is the one when I said, "Everyone do something silly for me."

All the kids, but the "baby", did the same exact thing for the camera.

God Bless 'Em.

We've either failed miserably (probably) or done something right.

We all laughed anyway.

We know each other so well.

And this is what I love about US.

Family....that's what I've got for today. 


  1. Love love love the pictures. Love that you laugh and play and cook and live life. Thank you for sharing and taking lots of pictures.

  2. I love all the pictures. My friends and family always complain that I am taking pictures BUT then I am the one they are ALWAYS calling asking for copies. So keep snapping away. Your pictures are AWESOME!

  3. Dorien, you are a fabulous photographer and an amazing writer. Thanks for keeping it real. Justin and I follow your blog and our thoughts are prayers are with your family. We may have only known you guys a few years, but you were really the only ones we became good friends with from that ward. My heart aches for your struggles and I have truly been touched from all your little insights during this dark time. We love you guys.

  4. Beautiful kitchen, meal, home, family & words. You're awesome..
