Friday, May 10, 2013

Settebello Pizzaria

260 South 200 West
Salt Lake City, UTAH

This upcoming Monday.  All are welcome!

We are so grateful to Jennifer Townsend and
Settebello owners for doing this for our

We are humbled and blessed to have people in our lives that love us.

Thank you!

Kyle had his PET scan yesterday--that part 
was easy.

It's the waiting that's hard--no results til

Now THAT?, that's torture!

2:30 with Dr Sharma.

Hopefully we're in a good mood on Monday 

night at Settebello.

Either way--we will be, because we'll
be surrounded by people that love us!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Have a Happy Mothers Day!

Here's to all the great mothers out there!

ETA:  Kyle and his office (he works in a family practice clinic) couldn't wait for results of PET scan--so they went online (in this electronic world of medical records)
and found his test results!

The two tumors in his liver have both gotten smaller.  His lung tumors have ALSO all gotten smaller.  His "SUV" value on liver tumors
has gone from something like 12.1 to 4.6--
that's a lot of shrinkage.

They are both also LESS active--also good news.  We like less active cancer cells.

Something-something-volume (or value...)
still learning all the medical words.

We are so happy to have shrinking tumors,
for now.

We are happy that his cancer is responding to
the chemo, for now.

We are happy and thankful and grateful for 9 good weeks and are ready to start 9 more good weeks next Thursday.  We will add whatever Dr Sharma tells us Monday
at the app't.

For now?  YAY!! for shrinkage!!!!!!!!!


  1. So happy for your great news and so glad to see you and your beautiful family tonight. We enjoyed coming to support you tonight and we will continue to follow your story and pray for many more months too. Go team Kyle! BTW love the superman shirts. Awesome!

  2. Thanks for your support! it was SUCH a great night of us and esp. for Kyle--to be surrounded by so many people who care about him was SUCH a great thing!
