Wednesday, May 1, 2013


I am posting a heads up (which I will update later today)...

A sweet friend from our ward has organized and done a
"Voicequilt" page for Kyle.

One of HER dearest friends died after a 9 (or 12?) year battle
with brain cancer and this was something she did for her
friends journey.  She wanted to do it for ours.

We are grateful she took the time out of her life to
organize this for us.  It means a lot to us.

It is a phone number (which I will link later) so that
people can call and leave stories, memories, messages, ANYTHING for Kyle (and his family...later).

This ONLY lasts (and is paid for) for ONE MONTH.

That is all the time you get to do it.

We are begging, in our "beggiest" voices to PLEASE, PLEASE,
PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE call and leave a message/memory/story.

We know Kyle is not 'dead yet'... (thank goodness!)

And people have told me they feel uncomfortable doing this

because to tell a story or record a memory "makes it seem
so real"....

Well, let me tell you something people...

THIS IS REAL!  Whether you do it or not, it's real.

He has cancer.  He is terminal.

So why not make HIM happy, and his family happy, and YOURSELF
happy by sharing a great memory with him that he can listen
to while he is still able to listen.

Isn't that great?  Won't that make you feel good?
Come know it will.

This is something a sweet friend is doing so when he
IS gone, his family (us) will have memories from all of you.

It is also something KYLE can listen to NOW, before the time
comes when he won't be around to hear these things.  Or the
time comes when he won't be able to listen, even when he's
still here.  There will come a time....

If there is ANYTHING good and beautiful about terminal cancer...

in all the ugly hideousness of is THIS fact.

We have TIME.

We don't know how much.


Time to say things that a lot of people don't get to say.

Time to tell stories and remember.

Time to spend it together, and love, and laugh, and be.

We are pleading to USE THIS TIME and record a memory for him.

It will mean so very very very much.

It is something that Michele (our friend) will then take
and make a CD of, for us to have forever.

It will be something that 10 year old Olivia can listen to
at some point in the future and use it to REMEMBER her dad,
when the memories fade of him.

Links will be posted later.

Again...with the pretty pretty pleases!

Pass it on to WHOEVER you think would love to call in too!

High school, family, friends, mission folks, co-workers,
enemies, well--not enemies--we would love to hear from ALL
of you!!

Thanks ....voicequilt>>>> that's what I've got for today.

Call...JUST DO IT!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I LOVE your superman photo shoot pictures. Such cute photos. xoxo
